GAGARIN PROJECT....................
team ...... music and video
Later in 2008 we will mark the release of a brand new recording by percussionist Shohreh Shahrzad and storyteller Milos jaranovich titled The Gagarin Project, recorded live at the Christianija Jazz Club
in February 2008.
It's a recording devoid of cliches or labels, bringing forth a genre-bending sound that i s neithe jazz nor rock, or funk, but rather , a wild concoction of all of the above( and then some). Gagarin Project
showcases the incredible arranging skills of Choub,the Middle Eastern roots of Shohreh , and the versality of musicians who are generally associated with modern rock, jazz and funk : Alex Choub, Frans Bølling and Universal`s Nicklas Hill . Arrange all of these musicians an stage at once and have them play the original material as well as music of Bassworks, Palm Tree and more.... and what you get is IndigoMusic´s most innovative and audacious releases of the decade.